Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kings and Queens

This weekend we carried out the second annual trip to the Renaissance Festival. The first thing you realize when going to the festival is, well I guess I'm not that bad. Where do these people come from. They come in all shapes and sizes with some wacky outfits. Speaking of sizes, some women attending should have reconsidered the two piece outfit! But, in all it was a fun time. We went with the cousins and took in the sites. I had a gigantic turkey leg. Michelle did not. We watched a couple little side shows but mostly we just took in the sites. Afterwords we all came back to our house and broke out the wii. There was some serous tennis and boxing going on here. Fun times! (sorry forgot the camera again)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fun Filled Night

Last night I had to go for a second sleep study down at U of M. It was a follow up visit to the first "base line" study I had two weeks ago. For those of you who have not had the wonderful experience of having a sleep study, let me tell you, you are missing out. (That was a blatant lie) There's nothing like having 25-30 wires taped all over your body, mostly on your head, then having a compressor strapped to your nose that tries to turn you into a balloon. Oh yeah, you guys missed a party last night.

OK, so it wasn't the worse thing in the world. I don't mean to sound so negative. Michelle was concerned about what some might call my "extreme" snoring. She said she was worried about my health, but I think she just wanted to get some sleep. So the loving husband that I am, I put it off for six months, but finally made an appointment. So you probably didn't really care to know all of that but hey the more you know the more you can love. At least I think that's how it works.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Canada Trip

Last weekend was the annual Canada trip with my dad and brothers. We went for five days of fishing from canoes and exploring the great white north land. We didn't catch as many fish as last year but it was still tons of fun. We did a little more exploring than usual.

After hiking up a stream to find a new lake, we came across a small waterfall. It was obivous that no one had been there in years. We had to cut our way in with machetes. It was one of the highlights of the trip. Part of the excitement is we have to portage a lot to get back to the fishing. It was also really nice to spend time with my Dad and brothers. We all had lot of fun. It was Sam's second year going up with the guys and once again shared a canoe with Dad. Which left Danny and I to share a canoe. Dad and Sam did fine. They had the bigger canoe. Now Danny and I are not small people so when we get into a small canoe it seems to sit lower in the water. This year was the first year that the tippie canoe got the better of us or I guess you might say it got the better of me. To avoid flipping the canoe completely I jumped out of the canoe thus saving the canoe from flipping. What I failed to think of was that the motor was running wide open. Thus I sent Danny on a wild ghost ride. Thankfully the canoe ran up on some rocks and I was able to swim/flop over to the boat. I quickly turned the motor off and stood waist deep in water thinking of how funny I must have looked swimming with my cowboy hat on. So it was another first for the canada trip. All in all no one got hurt too badly and we all had fun.
I was still glad to come home to my lovely wife and dog. Michelle and Harv spent the week with her family while I was gone. I really missed them. I always love going on vacation but it's fun to come home too! I am blessed to have a place I can miss and look forward to coming home to.